Point Vicente Elementary

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About Us » Important Traffic Information

Important Traffic Information

Point Vicente


Dear Parents of Point Vicente Students:


Keeping students safe is our highest priority at Point Vicente! In this regard, I wanted to update you on some information.


For those who might be new to Point Vicente, please know that each teacher and selected staff on campus is assigned a parking spot. Please do NOT park in staff parking spaces since this disrupts the flow of traffic.


Refrain from parking in the drop off zone (red zone) at any time during the school day, even if it is for a short period of time, but especially at drop-off and pick-up times for ALL grade levels (see Bell Schedule for times).


In order to ensure a safe and happy school year for all, I would like to ask you to please follow the following guidelines. Please be sure to share this important information with dads, grandmas, nannies, or anyone who is picking up or dropping off your children each day.


  • Pull all the way forward before letting your children out. Stopping short interrupts the flow of traffic by limiting the amount of cars which can move forward.
  • Drivers MUST remain in their cars while in the car line. If your child needs assistance, please park and walk them to school.
  • Keep backpacks easily accessible for our morning greeters to assist your child in exiting the car. Placing backpacks in the trunk slows down the process and creates a dangerous situation for morning greeters.
  • Always use cross walks.
  • Be mindful of making U turns in driveways and street corners. While it is not illegal, it is most often very unsafe, especially when children are present.
  • Do NOT park in red zones or crosswalks. It IS illegal. It crowds space for safe turning and blocks views of intersections.
Thank YOU for helping us ensure a safe drop off zone for ALL.
FOCUS in the car line
F = Pull Forward to the STOP sign
O = Only use cross walks to cross
C = Cell phone use is NOT allowed
U = Unload on the right side of the car
S  = Stay in your car
  1. Please be respectful of morning greeters who are working to keep our children safe and to help the flow of traffic. The words thank you travel miles!!!
  2. Please arrive early and park your cars if you would like to walk your children into their classrooms.
  3. Please talk with your children. Review where and when you will be picking them up. Remind them that if they are scared or uncertain they should always go to the office. If an emergency occurs and you are stuck, notify the office so that we can inform your child that you will be late and keep them in the office.
  4. Please do not park across the street and wave your child over. They will not be seen as they pass through cars and you are putting your child's life in jeopardy. Use the crosswalks.
If you have children at both dismissals, please pick up the first child and continue out of the driveway and return back into the line for the later dismissal. We cannot have you wait in your car in the driveway. There are cars behind you that need to pick up their early dismissal children. Please know that there is NO SIBLING WATCH between 2:36 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Children leaving at 2:36 p.m. need to be picked up or enroll in Kid’s Corner.
Thank you for helping us ensure a safe school for all.
With much appreciation,
Marta Jevenois-Richardson, Proud Point Vicente PrinciPAL