Point Vicente Elementary

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School Site Council Information

School Site Council oversees the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and the categorical budgets associated with the plan. The SPSA is a plan that establishes the goals for a school's student achievement, describes the programs, and identifies the categorical funds used by the school to achieve these goals. School Site Council's support increases student achievement by focusing their work on the development, monitoring, and evaluation of the SPSA and corresponding budgets. 
Meetings of the School Site Council are open to the public and the public may offer comments at the beginning of the meeting. Members may respond to items on the agenda for that meeting. Agendas will be posted 72 hours in advance of each meeting as required by the Greene Act. Only members elected to School Site Council have voting responsibilities/ rights. 
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Principal Marta Jevenois-Richardson at [email protected]